Finding Feathers
Transitioning from a full-time mom to one with adult children can leave many of us feeling lost. Kristin Terwilliger talks about her experience, and how she found her purpose, and...
Finding Feathers
Transitioning from a full-time mom to one with adult children can leave many of us feeling lost. Kristin Terwilliger talks about her experience, and how she found her purpose, and...
Birds of a Feather are Successful Together
Become a subject matter expert and share your bird expertise on the Bird Bitch Blog.
Birds of a Feather are Successful Together
Become a subject matter expert and share your bird expertise on the Bird Bitch Blog.
Welcome to Bird Bitch
Taking flight! Hello, Pretty Bird, and welcome. You're new here... and we are, too. So, how'd that happen? Bird Bitch came out of a desire to create an environment for women to embrace...
Welcome to Bird Bitch
Taking flight! Hello, Pretty Bird, and welcome. You're new here... and we are, too. So, how'd that happen? Bird Bitch came out of a desire to create an environment for women to embrace...